Thursday, February 7, 2008

Looking for Eagles

above: eagle's nest near Intercourse
above: merganzer with fish

We heard of a "new" pair of eagles building a nest between New Holland and Intercourse and had to check it out. We found the nest very easily but no eagles present during our brief visit. The best place for viewing is from the Zeltenrich Reformed Church parking lot at Hollander Rd and Peter's Road. The nest is across Peter's road from the church (directly south) in the first group of high trees. The farm has been posted so people to stay out by the PA game commission - rightfully so, It seems that viewing from the parking lot is far enough away as to not disturb them. Let's pray for a successful and productive nest. To see our eagles spreading out like this is beautiful but I would have never thought that that small stream would support a nest. When trout season comes that area is normally full of fishermen I hope that does not disrupt the nesting. The eagles should enjoy it when they stock the trout in that stream.

We were lucky enough to find a small flock of common mergansers in the pool made by the dam at Mascot mill. We sat for awhile till one swan close enough to get a good picture. Watching diving ducks never fails to entertain me. If Florence wasn't with me I would still be there watching.

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