Thursday, February 21, 2008


I am getting excited - Spring is coming - even if Punxsutawney Phil was right we only have 3 more weeks of winter. There are other signs much more reliable than the groundhog. The bird's colors are returning, Florence and I have noticed the changes in the goldfinches each week. The birds are getting "feisty" with each other at the feeder - the beginning of protecting their territories. and there is no doubt that there songs are singing "spring...spring...spring" With the several small storms the last week the feeder has been the best entertainment one could hope for. If you don't feed the birds or take the time to watch the feeders you are missing a blessing from God. Our usual friends were here this AM - nothing new but it is fun becoming "friends" with the regulars. Sometimes I wish they would know it was me who bought and put up the feeders and me who spends the money to keep them full with their favorite seeds but they have no idea and apparently don't have the capacity to understand such things. I wonder how much God in Heaven looks at our frenzy in gathering and consuming His provisions and yearns for us to recognize the giver of "every good and perfect gift" . I for one will do that right now - Father - forgive me for taking your provisions without thanking you, forgive me for consuming my favorite things without even thinking about where they come from. Thank you for the blessings you have given us - "for we never knew a famine, all our needs are well supplied" bless those who have less than us, teach us to share with them from your abundant blessing. Teach us to realise the the reason for these gifts is not that we deserve them but that you love us. Thank You!

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