Saturday, February 9, 2008


I had a speaking engagement in Bird in Hand this AM so I could not resist visiting the Zeltenrich nest. This time we saw an eagle. It was roosting in a tall tree near the nest it flew once and returned to a roost near the original. I can not say for certain but I think the nest is getting bigger. We saw several of the common species known as "bird watchers" in the area.

We traveled over to Mascot to see if the mergansers were still in the mill pond. no they were not but an interesting pair of ducks flew low over the water and landed near the dam. They had black bodies and white upper neck and head (black and white neck) Their backs had an iridescent green shine in the sun. One had just a few white primaries the other all black wings. Their heads were shaped with a top hump not unlike some domestic geese. I suppose they are a hybrid and domestic, but they were quite pretty especially flying together low over the water for about one hundred yards.

No pictures this time can you believe that I didn't take a camera?

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