Saturday, December 29, 2007


Friday morning's bright sunshine helped awake the wanderer in me again - I left home heading for Bombay hook in DE - I thought that if the snow geese were at Middle Creek then they are certainly at the hook. Thinking over the gas expense and the fact that I could not talk anyone into sharing such an adventure I ended up at Middle Creek again. I was welcomed by a beautiful Peregrine Falcon sitting on a snag at the west end of the lake. The air was heavy and the light not good but the pictures prove that it is a Peregrine. I met up with Ken Miller and his son and grandson from New England - had a good couple of hours with them as their eyes are much better than mine. What we saw was Several thousands snow geese, canada geese, tundra swans. shovelers, black ducks, mergansers (common. hooded and someone said red breasted but I did not see it) , a marsh hawk (northern harrier), 3 bald eagles, and a rather large buck (missing one antler and limping). As has become my custom I entered and exited the area via Seglock Road, I have never seen a more beautiful cathedral - the light filtering through the large trees was as nice as any stained glass, the stream provided a soft music which encouraged mediation yet did not over power it, the moss and leaves on the ground were as soft as any carpet. Cathedrals are made by men, this one by God and I was very happy to meet Him there. As I was leaving through this beautiful valley I stopped three times to pick up trash left behind by others and found it a high calling to be"God's Janitor" in His beautiful house of worship.

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