Sunday, December 16, 2007


I awoke to bright sunshine and blue skys on Saturday morning - surprise - and of course Middle Creek was calling me. The ice cover has been reduced (from last week) and this gives the ducks and geese more room to swim. As usual hundreds of Canadas, 4 beautiful Tundra Swans, Common Mergansers, Buffelheads, Shovelers, Black Ducks (I think), Mallards (of course) Plus Blue jays & Cardinals (not in the water -dah)

On the way home we saw a man working with a large maple tree that was cut in pieces in his lawn - there were five or six 8 inch thick slices from the base of the tree. Just what I have been looking for - so I boldly stopped and asked and now I have a slab (cross section of a maple tree in my car - it is 8 in thick and about 6 feet in circumference - 3.5 feet in diameter at the widest spot. I will have to find a place to dry it - what a wonderful piece to show off the growth rings for Creation Appreciation. I hope to have it at the spring event for the kids to "help" sand it.

See how God works? I thought of something like this months ago - I probably saw something like it and thought it wood make a great nature lesson for kids and then God supplies one. Why they cut the right thickness (the owner told them his stove holds a 24 in piece) and why I drove past his house (I had planned to go another way) and why was the man was standing by the tree when I went by and why did he not start splitting earlier (he was planning to start with those slabs first) and why He happened to be a believer and was willing to give it to me for the ministry - no charge! - all of these help me by confirming that at least a few of my ideas are inspired. I do not believe in evolution or coincidence.

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