Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I just got back from a morning at Middle Creek - the ice coverage is much less than my last visit about 9 days ago. The News is that the snow geese are back - several thousand by my guess - isn't this early? or course they are not there by the 10's of thousands yet - Canadas are increasing - tundra swans 8 to 10 last time - more than 100 now. Also saw a pair of Hooded Mergansers, 2 dozen Northern Shovelers, We watched a Kingfisher fishing - I saw something that I have not seen before some unusual displays by a pair of great blues - it reminded me of a courtship display but books I have referred to would say the time of the year is not right (even for territory displays) and it was not quite as described in the books - they landed in shallow water a few feet and a minute or so apart - they "strutted " side by side with beaks almost straight up then they took turns holding their wings almost like a cormorant does - one did this longer than the other they waded around like this for about 20 minutes and then slowly separated and proceeded to walk "normally" in different directions. I got a lot of pics it was a neat thing to watch. What do you think? (NOTE ADDED 12/28/07 - JIM, THE MANAGER AT MIDDLE CREEK TOLD ME THAT THIS WAS MOST LIKELY A PAIR OF RESIDENT HERONS REESTABLISHING THEIR PAIR BOND - THIS HAPPENS LATTER IN SPRING FOR MIGRATING PAIRS BUT IT IS NOT UNUSUAL FOR RESIDENT BIRDS BEFORE SPRING - JIM ALSO SAID THE ROCKERY AT MIDDLE CREEK HAS 17 NESTS)

I also have questions about the Canadas - I've wondered about their communication for years. I've read Stoke's life history of Canadas but it doesn't answer my all of my questions. They make a lot of noise before a group takes off or arrives - they know when another group is coming in before I see them (their hearing must be very good) My hearing and vision are poor (what a great birder I make) but is there a difference in the calls when groups are coming or going? - these groups that separate from the rest are they random or families or ? -snows seem to all fly at once - maybe the Canadas are residents not migrants? this might make a difference? -- I don't know many people who would have the answers to such questions much less even be interested in the subject but I find it fascinating. What about you?

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