Saturday, December 29, 2007


Friday morning's bright sunshine helped awake the wanderer in me again - I left home heading for Bombay hook in DE - I thought that if the snow geese were at Middle Creek then they are certainly at the hook. Thinking over the gas expense and the fact that I could not talk anyone into sharing such an adventure I ended up at Middle Creek again. I was welcomed by a beautiful Peregrine Falcon sitting on a snag at the west end of the lake. The air was heavy and the light not good but the pictures prove that it is a Peregrine. I met up with Ken Miller and his son and grandson from New England - had a good couple of hours with them as their eyes are much better than mine. What we saw was Several thousands snow geese, canada geese, tundra swans. shovelers, black ducks, mergansers (common. hooded and someone said red breasted but I did not see it) , a marsh hawk (northern harrier), 3 bald eagles, and a rather large buck (missing one antler and limping). As has become my custom I entered and exited the area via Seglock Road, I have never seen a more beautiful cathedral - the light filtering through the large trees was as nice as any stained glass, the stream provided a soft music which encouraged mediation yet did not over power it, the moss and leaves on the ground were as soft as any carpet. Cathedrals are made by men, this one by God and I was very happy to meet Him there. As I was leaving through this beautiful valley I stopped three times to pick up trash left behind by others and found it a high calling to be"God's Janitor" in His beautiful house of worship.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Middle Creek Wildlife Managment Area
12/26/07 All rights reserved


I just got back from a morning at Middle Creek - the ice coverage is much less than my last visit about 9 days ago. The News is that the snow geese are back - several thousand by my guess - isn't this early? or course they are not there by the 10's of thousands yet - Canadas are increasing - tundra swans 8 to 10 last time - more than 100 now. Also saw a pair of Hooded Mergansers, 2 dozen Northern Shovelers, We watched a Kingfisher fishing - I saw something that I have not seen before some unusual displays by a pair of great blues - it reminded me of a courtship display but books I have referred to would say the time of the year is not right (even for territory displays) and it was not quite as described in the books - they landed in shallow water a few feet and a minute or so apart - they "strutted " side by side with beaks almost straight up then they took turns holding their wings almost like a cormorant does - one did this longer than the other they waded around like this for about 20 minutes and then slowly separated and proceeded to walk "normally" in different directions. I got a lot of pics it was a neat thing to watch. What do you think? (NOTE ADDED 12/28/07 - JIM, THE MANAGER AT MIDDLE CREEK TOLD ME THAT THIS WAS MOST LIKELY A PAIR OF RESIDENT HERONS REESTABLISHING THEIR PAIR BOND - THIS HAPPENS LATTER IN SPRING FOR MIGRATING PAIRS BUT IT IS NOT UNUSUAL FOR RESIDENT BIRDS BEFORE SPRING - JIM ALSO SAID THE ROCKERY AT MIDDLE CREEK HAS 17 NESTS)

I also have questions about the Canadas - I've wondered about their communication for years. I've read Stoke's life history of Canadas but it doesn't answer my all of my questions. They make a lot of noise before a group takes off or arrives - they know when another group is coming in before I see them (their hearing must be very good) My hearing and vision are poor (what a great birder I make) but is there a difference in the calls when groups are coming or going? - these groups that separate from the rest are they random or families or ? -snows seem to all fly at once - maybe the Canadas are residents not migrants? this might make a difference? -- I don't know many people who would have the answers to such questions much less even be interested in the subject but I find it fascinating. What about you?

Sunday, December 16, 2007


I awoke to bright sunshine and blue skys on Saturday morning - surprise - and of course Middle Creek was calling me. The ice cover has been reduced (from last week) and this gives the ducks and geese more room to swim. As usual hundreds of Canadas, 4 beautiful Tundra Swans, Common Mergansers, Buffelheads, Shovelers, Black Ducks (I think), Mallards (of course) Plus Blue jays & Cardinals (not in the water -dah)

On the way home we saw a man working with a large maple tree that was cut in pieces in his lawn - there were five or six 8 inch thick slices from the base of the tree. Just what I have been looking for - so I boldly stopped and asked and now I have a slab (cross section of a maple tree in my car - it is 8 in thick and about 6 feet in circumference - 3.5 feet in diameter at the widest spot. I will have to find a place to dry it - what a wonderful piece to show off the growth rings for Creation Appreciation. I hope to have it at the spring event for the kids to "help" sand it.

See how God works? I thought of something like this months ago - I probably saw something like it and thought it wood make a great nature lesson for kids and then God supplies one. Why they cut the right thickness (the owner told them his stove holds a 24 in piece) and why I drove past his house (I had planned to go another way) and why was the man was standing by the tree when I went by and why did he not start splitting earlier (he was planning to start with those slabs first) and why He happened to be a believer and was willing to give it to me for the ministry - no charge! - all of these help me by confirming that at least a few of my ideas are inspired. I do not believe in evolution or coincidence.

Friday, December 14, 2007


LANCASTER BIRD CLUB - DECEMBER MEETING - Kevin Loughlin of Wildside Nature Tours gave his "tropical birding 101" program This man knows his Birds and how to photograph them and how to put together a top notch multimedia presentation - so what if he is not as good looking as me. He had hundreds of stunning original photos. you can see some examples on his web site - Even if you're like me and could never afford most of the out of the country trips his photography is worth the cyber visit. He also has some affordable photo workshops in PA that look great. All in all a great club meeting and believe it or not I keep my mouth shut and just listened. By the way he has a tour to Mexico to see the Monarch roosting spots I told him that I have made that trip every year for over 40 years - in my mind.


With a small storm yesterday and a larger one due tomorrow I thought it might be an interesting day to go birding but my time was too limited to go far. We went to Willow Street to look for the Horned Larks and Snow Buntings - Ken Miller and Alex Henderson saw them several times last week - today was my third trip and I saw nothing. Oh Well - I even enjoy watching the Turkey Vultures soaring - I use them to practice following and shooting. We saw a large red tailed hawk near Millersville and scared him off his roost but did get some good in flight pics as a result. We were almost home and saw 4 snow white pigeons sitting together on a wire in Silver Spring - I got some good pics there too. They say birds of a feather flock together - I have been told that the white rock dove or pigeon is not a separate species from the multi colored we often see - these guys stay in a group separate from other nearby darker ones???? I have a lot to learn - can you help me?

Lancaster County Bird Club meets tonight at 7:30 at the Farm and Home Center. "Tropical Bird 101" is the title. I hope to blog a little about that tonight or tomorrow.

I got Florence a new bird feeder for Christmas - I set it up in front (mixed seed) of our large living room window and added a new suet cake - It will be fun to see when they find it - the coming snow might help them. I hope to make a record of it on this blog.

Do you know of good birding sites on the west side of Lancaster? Please share.