Monday, May 14, 2012

Living in a tent in the woods -again - and loving it.

I am back in Follower's Hollow for the month of May, but coming home on Mondays doing Roots on Tuesday, and back to the mountain on Wednesday.  Florence is with me some of the time and I enjoy her when she can be there.

Jim and Pam McGibney from Delta, PA spent a few nights in camp - twas good to see them again.

We are coming home on Mondays PM and retiring to camp on Wednesdays AM (with some exceptions)  come and vista if you can - bur call us first to see if we will be there - use the home number and we will get the message.

I feel so blessed when I am alone with the creator in His creation - I can not explain it but these are the best times of my life, now that the children are all grown - Florence is much more happy about my wandering the woods alone now that we have a "SPOT" signal device - I can send my location and choose some pre-programed messages to go with the location - she will receive an email with a link to google maps with my location - there is also a SOS button to summon help if needed.

I counted 21 species of wildflowers all within the "public areas" of the park so I am certain there are more out there.

I am posting pics of some of our visitors below -- like the porcupine (too dark for a picture) who wakes me every night my chewing noisely on any wood he can find, the butterflies are plentiful and welcome, the other visitor is more appreciated when he leaves than when he arrives.

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