Thursday, May 31, 2012

While wondering the fire access roads of the Tuscarora State Forest I have come upon many of God's beautiful creations.  I believe He does nothing without a purpose and ponder why he made turtles.  If there is no other reason they certainly make me think about the greatness and creativity of God.  These are fascinating little critters.  I remember as a youth we saw them frequently - often killed on the road.  In those days we often carved our  initials and date in their lower shell and left them go hoping to find them again years latter.  Today many turtles  are "species of concern" due to the lack of habitat for them.

Here are pics of some I found in the month I spent in the forest
a box turtle - killed on a forest road where the speed limit in 20 mph - an accident?

eastern box turtle

I am told by those who know that this is a wood turtle - I have questions about that  but they are the experts

underside of the above "wood turtle"

a beautiful wood turtle

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