Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm Back

I must confess that this blog has not been published as often as I would like. I still have my nature adventures and programs yet have not had the discipline to journal as I intended - so rather than write a list of excused I am going to sum up my naturing over the time since we came home from KY.

At MIDDLE CREEK this last week (during the Wild Fowl show and one visit since I have seen many great blue herons - several great egrets - lots of gold finches & bluebirds - our "pet" red tail and many turtles. Ducks are Mallard, Black, Woodies and Shovelers (early this season). Canadas are mostly year round residents so far. and no snow geese yet. A few butterflies are around yet - I got good pics of a beautiful snout yesterday - my first with the camera. The tour road closed for the season on Sep 15 as normal. School groups have started returning and the feeders are not yet up and filled but I am anticipating this soon.

In my mind I had planned a trip to Bombay of Wednesday but my wallet was not willing to go that far. One of the great things about nature as a hobby is that it can be and is found everywhere.

I promise myself that I will blog more regularly since I am the one who writes and the only one who reads this blog no one, save me, will know if I keep that promise.

1 comment:

Dan's Girl said...

Hi there again. I am reading your posts so keep on blogging:)