Sunday, September 14, 2008


Gas priced are keeping us much closer home - we have not been to the shore preserves since early spring. So middle Creek is only 25 miles away and when we get the urge to go naturing we end up there often. Wednesday Sept 4 was a good day we had a picnic lunch with two new "nature buddies" near sunfish pond. On Segloc road we saw a juvenile red tail who would not leave his perch for anything - I got within 30 feet and took several hundred pics. He is a beauty - I will try to get some more pics on the blogs soon. The ponds got several inches of much need rain so conditions are improving. Monarchs seem to be scares this year - we had two pupate and one did not make it. In looking over the net others in this area are saying the same but thankfully other areas are getting larger numbers.

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