Saturday, August 30, 2008

Return to Middle Creek

I have been to Middle Creek twice since my return to PA - last Monday my friend Dick Warren an I took a walk around sunfish pond enjoying the lilies and the dragon flies. The butterflies were abundant on the Joe pie - mainly tigers. On Thursday Florence and I enjoyed a few hours there. I took many pics of a great blue catching and eating a large fish - lucky for him that the pond is low due to lack of rain. Our friend the red tail hawk seems almost tame. He sat on a fence post not 20 feet from our car, He did not attempt to fly as I shot many of his preening poses. The blue birds are abundant but not near the nest boxes. Lots of Gold finches enjoy the thistle and goldenrod in bloom. No sign of the eagles either day. It is good to get back to my blogs and the friends at the markets. Stop by and say HEY.

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