Thursday, January 20, 2022

An anhinga at Myakka River State Park in Florida

 I got my yearly pass for the state parks of Florida, for the second year in a row.  I’ve been spending time in the largest park in Florida called Myakka River State Park. Many beautiful birds like Woodstorks, herons, egrets, limpkins, ibis, cormorants, and much more. The Following pictures are a series of an anhinga catching fish. It’s said that they swim underwater as well as they fly through the air.  They are a “cousin“ of the Comorant that we see further north. When they swim in the water you can’t see anything but their neck sticking up. So locals have called him the snake bird.  The cormorants also swim and catch fish under the water but he has a hook on his bill.   he grabs the fish between his bills holding it in place with that hook. Then anhinga does not have a hook but has a very sharp beak which he runs straight into the side of the fish and spears it with his beak. Then he comes up out of the water and in almost miraculous manner manipulates that fish off of his beak and tosses it into the air and swallows it.  The fish always is swallowed head first down The birds throat. Here are some pictures I took of that very process. I think there are several fish in this series of photos (I took more than 30 of them) one is larger than the others but it is fascinating to watch. I hope you enjoy them.  God bless you all don’t forget to pray for me.

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