Friday, August 20, 2010


Jim to the rescue

wounded cormorant at dam


great egret


painted turtles

great blue with fish

female tiger swallowtail

male tiger swallowtail

goldfinch = woods edge park Centerville

Last year was a bad year for the butterfly population as a whole so I assumed it would it would take a few years to recover - not so! Everyone I know is seeing more butterflies this year. I have seen a half dozen snouts this year and only one in the last ten years. The numbers of Tiger swallowtails is amazing. We saw at least 50 each time at middle creek in the last month. In addition we are seeing zebra swallowtails, spice bush swallowtails, viceroys. monarchs and silver spotted skippers to name a few. I hope you enjoy the pics.

8/18/10 at Middle Creek we saw an injured bird at the foot of the dam. I thought it was a great blue but it proved to be a cormorant. Jim (the manager of middle creek retrieved it - although it was still alive it was beyond saving. He had a compound fracture of the wing and it must have been that way for some time as he was very malnourished. I included pics of this bird also.

Speaking of birds I have included pics of a great blue heron with a small fish in his mouth. He caught three while we watched him for about 15 minutes.

Also included are pics of a great egret and two sun basking painted turtles.

I almost forgot - I saw and shot a clear wing moth and observed him fighting with a tiger swallowtail for a position on a flower - the fight lasted several minutes and the tiger won.

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