Wednesday, August 18, 2010


wow! what a tree The oldest Sycamore I have ever seen.

Ken "inside" the tree

Don "inside" the tree (I look skinny here)


It pays to have friends who know more than you do. Jim Smith and Randy Miller were kind enough to point out a mistake in my blog of 6/28/10. I labeled a sparrow as a white throat but it is a grasshopper sparrow - I must have seen the yellow above the eyes and ignored the other obvious differences. I like making mistakes because it is a good way to learn lessons you seldom forget. I have copied the pic here with proper id. Thank you Randy and Jim - never hesitate to correct me when I make mistake.

I have passed Old Sycamore road (off Centerville Road in West Hempfield Twp Lancaster Co)many times without thinking of the reason for the name. Ken and Dorthy Miller told me about the old tree that the road is named for. Dorthy played on the tree in her aunt and uncles lawn when she was a child (no dates or ages mentioned here, Dorthy!) It was a very old tree when she played on it . Today the old tree is worth a visit for two reasons. 1- it is a magnificant sight to see and 2- it will not be there much longer. The poor old lady is as hollow as a pipe - see the pics the Ken took on our 8/16/10 visit. See pics above.

1 comment:

D.E.C.R.I. said...

Wow! what a tree.
Wat to build a tree house?
Wouldn't the children like that.
Maybe Don can haul this tree around and have children gape at it.