Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Living in a tent in the middle of the Tuscarora forest is my idea of fun.  Seeing and hearing the creatures and plants is so envigerating - it is literally a spiritual experience.  Here are a few of the interesting things I am seeing.

with a body less than 1/4 in long - this spider looked like a little ugly brown spot to the naked eye - but with a macro lens his true colors are revealed - I have yet to id him.

This female Ruby-throated Humming Bird visited our feeder daily.
Do you know why Humming Birds hum?
Because they do not remember the words to the song.

The most beautiful spider I have seen.  The Marbled Orb Weaver    (Araneus  marmoreus)
His body is about 3/4 inch long.

"Daddy Long Legs" is his common name - he is not a spider but a
relative of the sider know as a harvestman.

another harvestman with different patterns - notice the (red) mite parasites

Come by to visit at my camp in Fowler's Hollow State Park in Perry County.  I am usually there Wednesday PM to Monday PM every week.  I come home to be at the nature center on Tuesdays.  Call home 684-2849 to make certain I will be at camp.  Florence is at home recovering from her foot surgury

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