Saturday, January 26, 2008


The Weather was perfect, clear blue skies, 40 + degrees in southern DE. What a day to visit Bombay Hook and Prime Hook. Dan Meyers drove and we both took hundreds of pics. We went to see snow geese and found only one with an injured wing at Bombay. We did see several great blues, canadas, shovelers, a number of buffleheads, several northern harriers, black ducks, and tundra swans. We also saw a very large flock of canadas flying in the distance between the tour road and the bay. A special treat was my first golden eye (great pic). Dan was disappointed as he came to see snow geese.

On the way to South we saw a flock of snows to our East but no where to get close to them - there were perhaps several thousand there. At Prime Hook we saw dozens of shovelers, more great blues, a belted kingfisher, tons of gulls, many mallards, black ducks, canadas and a few unidentified sandpiper like birds (to far away to identify). We got a close view of a large red tail hawk in the woods near Thirteen Curves Road. They we saw them, thousands of snow geese - we found our way to a road close to the flock and were amazed. I have never seen this many at one time even at the peak at Middle Creek. My estimate was 100,000 but I am no expert. We watched them for an hour or so, witnessing many mass lift offs and landings including one where about 1/2 of the flock moved - It was great to be there with Dan, an air traffic controller, not one bump or crash with thousands moving at the same time, try that FAA - We both got good pics. I also got good shots of a couple of blue snow geese. Then it was on to Lewis as Dan had never seen the lighthouses there. We walked to the end of the fishing pier and back. What a great day of naturing - I fell asleep on the way home and am very thankful that Dan stayed awake. He most likely enjoyed me sleeping and not talking.

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