Friday, December 14, 2007


With a small storm yesterday and a larger one due tomorrow I thought it might be an interesting day to go birding but my time was too limited to go far. We went to Willow Street to look for the Horned Larks and Snow Buntings - Ken Miller and Alex Henderson saw them several times last week - today was my third trip and I saw nothing. Oh Well - I even enjoy watching the Turkey Vultures soaring - I use them to practice following and shooting. We saw a large red tailed hawk near Millersville and scared him off his roost but did get some good in flight pics as a result. We were almost home and saw 4 snow white pigeons sitting together on a wire in Silver Spring - I got some good pics there too. They say birds of a feather flock together - I have been told that the white rock dove or pigeon is not a separate species from the multi colored we often see - these guys stay in a group separate from other nearby darker ones???? I have a lot to learn - can you help me?

Lancaster County Bird Club meets tonight at 7:30 at the Farm and Home Center. "Tropical Bird 101" is the title. I hope to blog a little about that tonight or tomorrow.

I got Florence a new bird feeder for Christmas - I set it up in front (mixed seed) of our large living room window and added a new suet cake - It will be fun to see when they find it - the coming snow might help them. I hope to make a record of it on this blog.

Do you know of good birding sites on the west side of Lancaster? Please share.


Koinonians and Friends of Mexico said...

I could not find "Naturing" in the dictionary so perhaps you did originate the term. If it's not found in Funk & Waggles it isn't being used.

Only the hardy venture out to nature in the winter. It's beautiful but daunting depending where you go.
Happy "Naturing".

Koinonians and Friends of Mexico said...

When are you going to add photos to your blog. I understand that you are a professional photographer and photos would enhance your comments.