Thursday, August 29, 2013


I have been raising caterpillars for the last while.  Alas, no Monarchs, tis a bad year for them. You may want to read the article, on the disappearing Monarchs, in the Lancaster newspaper yesterday Aug 27 or 28, you can find it at Lancaster online too.  Lets hope they can make a comeback.  I have about 10 black swallowtails thanks to the James Strickler family and 5 (I gave away more than 30) Imperial moths, thanks to Tara Wright and children.  I also found 2 wildflowers than have yet to be identified.

unidentified wildflower 

unidentified wildflower

Black Swallowtail cats do not miss the little black an white one to the left of center

Imperial moth cats  - compare to the earlier blog - they have grown to almost 4 inches, soon to pupate
Here are some pics.

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