Saturday, June 8, 2013


I enjoy the monthy meeting of the Lancaster Entomology Club.  We always have a great speaker.  This month the subject was aquatic life in Lancaster County.  The presenter was from the Lancaster County conservation district.  He was great, but alas, I can not remember his name.  His presentation covered much more than insects.  I would recommend this club to anyone who wants to learn.  Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at the North Museum on the campus of Franklin and Marshall.  We start at 7pm - enter through the back door.  Call me at 684-2849 for more info. Thanks to several friends at the "bug club"the Creation Appreciation nursery is raising caterpillars . Checkout the pics below or meet them in person (or in insect?at the nature center at Roots on Tuesday 9 to 9.

Cecropia moth - first instar - hatched (6/3/13)
about 3/8 inch long

Pipevine Swallowtail 1 hour after hatching (6/7/13)
Note the eggs - their first meal

Pipevies after being transferred to pipe view leaf

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