Saturday, May 11, 2013


What is a Biobliltz?  It is an inventory of biodiversity with in a predetermined boundary such as a county, a park, or any other area chosen.

Why a Bioblitz?  It identifies species and their status with in they area and gives a bench mark of future comparison of trends in population for science and management.

Why am I blogging about a bioblitz?  Don Billett and Klaus Neuwald are going to a bioblitz in Sinnemahoning Sate Park on Mon and Tuesday May 20 and 21.    Sinnemahoning is a large State Park surrounded by the Elk state forest in North Western PA.  I will be blogging more about this experience in the future.  My purpose in attending is to video and photograph all phases of this event to develop a "program" to present to groups.  It think it will be an interesting and worthwhile program to share.

Want to know more about the Sinnemahoning Bioblitz?  Here are some links to web sites about the park and bioblitz.

PA DCNR - Sinnemahoning State Park


If you know me then you know that a day in the woods is better than a year in our development.

Please pray for safety and success.

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