Thursday, May 5, 2011


We have been privilaged to see some of the "summer" butteries. While we always enjoy the angle wings etc in the spring but when the others start showing up I become "born again, again."

Here are three we saw  on Thursday April 28 in Perry County.

American Lady

Tiger Swallowtail - a very poor picture, sorry.  I was so happy to see him but he was not willing to pose.

Red Admiral

My friend John Laskowski drove me to the monthly Butterfly Club meeting at the North Museum in Lancaster on Monday eve.  Our speaker was a local MD (surgeon) - Dr Newcommer.  He has been an active member of the club for years and does great photography.  He is extremely well versed in insects and other field biology.  I enjoyed his presentation entitled "the evolution of insects"  You all know that I did not agree with a lot he said but I was not there to debate the man (nor do I think myself qualified to).  I have been to meetings where these people are literally attacked by creationist and treated rudely - we as Christian need to be kind and loving as well as not being ashamed of what we believe. 

Yes, I am not ashamed to say I believe the Biblical account of Creation.  However, I am not blind enough to to think that there are no questions and not so ignorant to think that all of the questions have answers (until then).  If you think that is doubting, pray for me.

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