Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Sunday Oct 12, 2008 was a great day for naturing. (but, what day isn't?) We met John Lascowski (the Mothman)at the Carsonville Hotel for a great meal and fun conversation as always. At 6:30 pm we traveled over to the Small Valley Girl Scout Camp to meet with the volunteer owl banding crew from the Ned Smith Center. Mothman brought a supply of ripe pawpaws to share with everyone, they were wonderful. I learned that the pawpaw is a close relative of the papaya, news to me.

A neat surprise was seeing an old friend - Tony (? her last name now) was an employee of mine when I managed White Rose Patient Transfer of 32 years ago. She came to our wedding and we haven't seen each other since. A very nice experience for Flo and I.

The research on the saw whet owl is fascinating - you can read more about it by googleing or on the Ned Smith web site. They use nets and a sound recording as a lure to the nets. The bander thought it was too light and too warm so he expected nothing - we checked the nets every hour from 7 to 12 (We left at 11:30) - at 9 and 11 we caught one - both were previously banded but not in this area the numbers were not familiar to locals - Scott W. will look them up in the national registry to discover their history - they say that to get a previously banded "foreign" owl is the best for research as it has a history to compare with your data - growth distance covered age etc. I hate the word cute for the fact that it is so overused but these little owls are just cute. I am including some of the pics I took there.

The Mothman and his pawpaws

Owl's wing under black light - color helps determine age

our friend Tony holding the first owl just before release

Our first visitor - a female

the tools to collect and record data

our second visitor also a female with band # displayed

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hello Friends - Flo and I just returned from two days in DE. It was our 31st anniversary so we splurged a little. Sine we found gas for $2.95 a gallon in DE in made the trip even sweeter.

Here are my notes
/for each bird - X means around 10 - c means about 100 and so on - ) means by ear only"

Wednesday Oct 8, 2008 - Bombay Hook NWR

Snowy Egret /////
Bald Eagle /
Belted King Fisher /
Mallard Duck XX
Canada Goose XX
Goshawk ///
Kestrel /
Killdeer /)
Gulls XXX
Lesser Yellow Legs X
Comorant /
Black and Turkey Vulture ///
Great Blue Heron //

Prime Hook

Gulls XXX
Great Egret X//
Snowy Egret //
Bald Eagle /
Sharp Shin Hawk /
Red Tail Hawk /)
Belted King Fisher //
Balk & Turkey Vulture ???
Osprey /

Thursday October 9, 2008

Prime Hook

Turkey & Black Vulture ///
Snow Geese CC+
Canada Geese CC
Mallards X
Mocking Bird )/ - //
Cardinal /
gulls C (surprise)
Snowy Egret X
Great Egret XX
Great Blue Heron //
Belted King Fisher //

Bombay Hook

Killdeer //
Belted Kingfisher /
Great Egret X
Canada Goose XX
Mallard X
Snow Goose C
Great Blue Heron //
Cormorant ///
Gulls XXX (again what a surprise?)
Snowy Egret //
Tree Swallows XX
Lesser Yellow Legs X
Goshawk /

Not a bad couple of days - but not as many birds as we expected - a ranger at Prime Hook told us that a storm pushed some salt water in to their fresh water impoundments which killed some food supply and numbers may be low this year. Two highlights were a very large Bald Eagle perched above nest (Osprey platform) and a 2 hour nap with the windows open on the beach bathed in Sunshine as the surf rolled.

We also saw several Monarchs, one dark swallowtail (? who) and lots of sulfurs both white and yellow - and just like the child that I am I brought home 2 hermit crabs.

Will have some pics up by Monday, I hope
We hope to be in Northern Dauphin County, with the Mothman) to witness the Saw Whet Owl banding on Sunday Night

Blessings to all.

Monday, October 6, 2008


The network of friends that I have are always teaching me and for that I am grateful - Ken Miller said my pink flower (see last blog and pics) is not Wood Sorrel and that if I check the stem and find it square it would be Rose Pink. Thank You Ken I am on my way to find out.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Bottle Gentian

New England Asters

Wood Sorrel (am I right?)

Dick's favorite - Fringed Gentian

I needed some therapy today. I have been a bit discouraged lately and thought the reason was I had not been in the woods lately. I stopped In to see Dick Warren and suggested that we go see the annual blooming of the Fringed Gentian. It took little persuading as this is Dick's favorite wildflower. They were more abundant at our "regular spot" than I have ever seen them and Dick thought that their color was a deeper blue this year. Once we pulled off the road it was easy to spot hundreds of flowers on the bank, before we left the car, that never happened before. We also saw some very nice New England Aster and One Bottle Gentian and what I believe to be wood sorrel. Perhaps you are like me and do not look forward to the winter with its lack of flowers but the October beauty of the Fringed Gentian is like a promise for God for more beauty coming in the spring. I am already looking forward to Skunk Cabbage in February. Do not stop looking for beauty in God's creation in is always there "if we seek we will find".