Monday, March 10, 2008


Yes spring is here - the snow geese have returned - they say 80,000 of them my count was 79,997 but I might have missed one or two or three. They say that there are between 3 and 4 thousand tundra swans also. The ice is almost completely gone and the ducks are back - today I saw buffelheads, hooded mergansers, ring necks, scaup(s?), blacks, and coot(s?). I got close to a great blue and got some good pics including a series of take off pics. I did my job as God's janitor on Seglock road but there is more to do - I could not reach some of the trash in the water. The skunk cabbage has 10 inch leaves already - no sign of the marsh marigolds yet. The sky was bright blue at home but gray by the time I got to Middle Creek, again. The tour road was open and I saw a kill deer near stop 3. I was "thrilled by the trill" of a red winged black bird but did not see him. Next Sunday is Easter and we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus - but the earth and His creatures have already begun celebrating.

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