Monday, April 28, 2014


Every year I blog about the flowers at Shenk's Ferry.  They are worth the effort to visit.  We are so blessed to have this beautiful little piece of heaven here in Lancaster County.

Here are some pis from recent days.  We see the same species every year but it is like visiting old and dear friends.
blood root

blue cohosh

cut leaf tooth wort

duthmans breeches

shenk's ferry trillium

spring beauty

squirrel corn

yellow trout lilly

wild geranium 

Saturday, April 26, 2014


I was blessed to spend the day at the nature center at Colonel Denning State Park nature center with my friends - staff of the park and members of the Friends of Colonel Denning SP.  We had a great time watching wildlife in the little ma made pond there.  The friends group were in the park for a work day - preparing for an busy season ahead.  Thank you "Friends of CDSP".

water boatman beetle

egg mass ???wood frog???

more frog eggs (strings of pearls)

still more eggs ??? id

salamander (notice eggs inside her)

same salamander - different angle

same salamander - different angle

water striders mating

water strider

Monday, April 14, 2014


If you live in PA you know how welcome spring is this year.  I thought I was living in Narnia where it was always winter.  I have been out and about watching my owl nest and birding a little with my friend Randy Miller.  Here are just two of the many pics I have taken.  I hope to get to Shenk's Ferry Wildflower preserve today.

Here is mama great horned with her two young ones they have been providing hours of great fun
for the several that have been watching, including me.

These yellow crowned night herons live in the city of Harrisburg,   There are six nests in this rookery, right in the middle of a highly populated street.  I guess they think if you can't beat man you might as well join them.