Friday, October 5, 2012


Most folks think of spring as the time for wildflowers and they are right but if you only look in the spring you miss a huge amount of beauty.  Some of my favorite wildflowers bloom in
September and October,

I was blessed to spend two days and one night in the Tuscarora Forest in mid September.   I photographed lots of insects, birds, and wildflowers.  At least 15 species of wildflowers - I will not bore you with the list, but trust me, I was not bored in the least.

Today we took a short trip to Lancaster to follow a lead from Ken Miller.  He directed me to a species I had yet to photograph - Viper's Buglosss.  Then to Furnace hills to look for our fall favorite - Fringed Gentian.  We also found a few aster's. Some day I am going to learn how to id these better.  Daisy Fleabane and various small white asters confuse me.

Below you will find a few pics.

Viper's Bugloss

Viper's Bugloss - close up

Fringed Gentian - "bird's eye" view
looks like it might spin like a pinwheel in the wind

Fringed Gentian - multiple flowers on one plant

Fringed Gentian - nice bunching of plants

New England Aster
(I am certain about Aster but not certain about New England)