Sunday, April 17, 2011


It is time to get out and enjoy - the weather and my health have been "ify" but I did manage to get out and enjoy a bit of the beauty God is displaying in his wonderful gallery called earth.

In late March I was able to get a view (through a scope) of a Mountain Bluebird at Middle Creek.  A very infrequent visitor to PA a a first sigthing for me.  I was so far away that the only photos I got were not good enough to share but the scope gave me a personal memory picture I will not forget.

The Wildflowers are blooming at Shenk's Ferry and as always the weather changes the order of their appearing as well as quality and quantity of blossoms.  here are 3 pictures taken this week (between the rain drops)

 Blood Root

 Dutchman's Breeches

Spring Beauty