Sunday, March 27, 2011


I have not posted since December - hard to believe - but it is my goal not to "overdo it" - I do not want to be a pest - my goal is every two weeks but in winter time much less.

We had a wonderful time at the Creation Appreciation breakfast on March 19th at Sonlight River Brethren School.  Some where between 80 and 100 folks attended.   There is no way it could have happened without the support and labor of many.  Thank You!!!!

Programs ----

I am in the middle of a 5 week program (every Friday for 5 weeks) for the Genesis Home School group in Chester County.

There have been several senior programs in the last month and several more latter this spring. 

I will be doing a butterfly program for Bethany UMC at Cresswell in April and the Woman's Night out at the Central Mannor Church of God in May. 

Roots is ongoing weekly stop in to visit sometime - we always have chairs available so you can sit and talk. 

There have been some more requests for programs in KY and we are praying about the opportunity and the price of gas.

It has been a goal of Florence and I to visit Shenk's Ferry wildflower preserve - I normally have been there several times by this date.  It looks like it may happen tomorrow. (Monday 3/28)

The work of Creation Appreciation is expanding - and "it is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes"

Our pets have increased do to donations - we now have 5 birds including a beautiful pair of lovebirds given to us.  We have also acquired 3 small (baby) turtles - a painted, a red eared slider and a yellow bellied slider.  they all have been traveling with Charles (the garter snake) and I to programs.  If your interested email or call me about the bible lesson that Charles teaches.

Photo sales have been down to almost nothing this winter - so the rent at Roots in behind a little - the managers there are so kind and gracious to us about it - if you are looking for a way to help pray about this and do only as you are led by God.

I am praying that we will come up with some good pictures to share with you after our hike tomorrow.