Sunday, November 7, 2010


This was our home for the month of October - we were camp hosts at Fowler's Hollow State park in Perry County PA. What a wonderful experience! It is a small campground with only 18 sites. We were almost full one weekend but usually had only 5 or 6 campers and during the week I was often alone. I spent 72 hours without seeing or hearing another person - I do not think I ever did that before but it was good - just me and God - I tried to let Him do most of the talking. I did try to teach the trees a few songs. I came home twice to go to market at Roots but returned to the woods the following morning. Enjoy the pics.

Our living room dinning room and kitchen (the van was our storage shed and pantry)

the bed room (Flossie is sleeping in) - the new cots we got made sleeping very comfortable

This very valuable piece of furniture was borrowed from the Vanserbosh family - thank you Dave and Tina we thought of you often

Our "neighborhood"

more of our surroundings

view of the "doubling gap" from camp site 108

LOOK CLOSER - even a weed like chicory can be beautiful

snap dragons were among the "late bloomers"

when leaves fall I look for nests

neat - what plant is it?

Looks similar to dead nettles but I do not think so - help me with a positive id

We did have many campers at times - here are some of the 27 4th grade students who stayed for 3 days

And my favorite visitor - she stayed with me about 1/2 of the month - we enjoyed a new game (to us) called farkel