Sunday, May 30, 2010


Bright blue skies make me want to get out and see what God is doing - these pics are from Sunday 5/30 at Middle Creek. The Bluebirds were everywhere. I got my second look at a Cedar Wax Wing and a fairly good picture to prove it.

"hurry up - I am hungry"

"that tastes good"


"come back soon!"

Cedar Waxwing

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Spider Wort (weed)

Mountain Laurel (white)

Mountain Laurel (pink)

We just returned from another trip to the mountains of East KY - Pine mountain was just starting to sing with the beauty of mountain laurel (red-pink singing bass and white singing tenor) - warming up in the background was rhododendron - the course will be loud and beautiful in several weeks. Spider wort was "singing" also.

To our friends in PA we will be returning to a stand every week at Root's market begining June 1. Please stop for a visit any Tuesday.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


pink lady slipper
Cypripedium acaule

the only thing better than a lady slipper
is multiple lady slippers

pink azalea or pinxter flower
Rhododendron periclymenoides

Just as the spring blossoming starts to slow it's pace comes one of the most beautiful of flowers; the lady slipper - it comes in yellow and pink around here - white and mixed or painted in other states. yellow is relatively rare and while the pink are more frequent but not easily found. I was privileged to see dozens of these pink beauties recently. I owe a friend a payback for taking me to see them. We also saw some pink wild azaleas. I am happy to share them with you now.