Thursday, April 29, 2010


pied-billed grebe

I have been having so much fun enjoying nature that I have been neglecting blogging -- so what's new?

The last two days were spent looking for birds that are not there. let me explain --

Wednesday (4/28) I received a call from John, the moth man - he has learned that a flock of willetts was spotted at Middle creek - this is a first so many got excited and rushed out there including me - some got to see them but not me. better luck next time (I hope)

Thursday (4/29) I followed a lead from Randy Miller about a VA Rail seen at Fort Indiantown Gap, Lebonan County. It has been seen by "many" but not me. I got to know more about a very important birding site (in and around Fort Indiantown Gap) so it is not a total loose. We did see a pair of pied-billed grebes (a new on for me) but the pics were not good. (see above)

Blessings - get out into nature - God will meet you there even if the birds won't.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

promissed pictures from last weeks rambles

a Cardinal in a pear tree (no partridge)
"red" Trillium
Squirrel Corn
Spring Beauties (darker than most)
Virgina Bluebells (pink - uncommon)

Quaker Ladies - aka bluets
Virgina Bluebells - white - (uncommon)

Monday, April 12, 2010

we interupt this blog .....

Hello - pictures are not loading on my blog so I am on hold till I figure it out - sorry I know I have disappointed thousands if not millions of loyal readers.