Sunday, March 21, 2010

First Butterflies of the Year

Look closely for the ?

Blood Root

Question Mark

Mourning Cloak

Saturday found us returning to Shenk's Ferry - one must visit frequently in order to catch most of the excitement. My goal is 2 times a week - If we lived closer in would be every day.

On Saturday 3/20/10 we celebrated the first official day of spring by spotting our first butterflies of the season. The angle wings are first to appear because they winter as adults in a hibernation like state - protected in a hiding place usually under the bark of a tree. As soon as the air warms they come out to feed. Their spring source of nutrition is sap and they send their day flying to and from trees that are "bleeding" sap. Three angle-wings abundant in our area are the Mourning Cloak, The Comma, and the Question Mark. See my pics taken on 3/20/10 to see two of these and also why the question mark bears such an unusual name.

We were looking for one of my favorite wild flowers - Blood Root - it was not along the path so I assumed we were too early but on our way out of the glenn we saw several hundred blossoms on a sunny hill side. Don't miss spring - get out there.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Virgina Blue Bells

Hepatica (white)

Hepatica (blue)

Cut leaf Tooth Wort

Ivyleaf Speedwell (Veronica hederifolia)

Spring Beauty

Dutchman's Breeches

The weather could not be much better - it was almost 70 degrees here today - We made our first of many (we hope) trip to Shenk's Ferry today. There are some who will tell you it is too early for such a visit; but it was not a waste of time. The warm sun and fresh air were delightful and as we often do we met some lovely people there.

We listed the following wildflowers blooming
Speedwell (several varieties)
Cutleaf tooth wort
VA bluebells
Spring Beauties
Squirrel Corn

The pics I posted were all taken today. 3/18/10

Thanks to Professor Ken Miller for help with IDs - I was lost on the type of speedwell and the open flowers of the tooth wort confused me - I remembered them with a "hanging" flower.
If you ever catch a mistake don't hesitate to point it out - I am an expert on nothing and a student of everything.

Spring has sprung - GET OUT !!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A week in KY

morning mist from Pine Mt


Florence and I were privileged to spend a week in the mountains of eastern KY, just returned yesterday. Lots of rain but had one day on top of the mountain. Saw 2 rouffed grouse, 3 pilliated woodpeckers, an unidentifed owl, turkeys, bluebirds, lots of robins, deer, and my first box turtle (a good sign of spring). I enjoyed showing gill o'r the ground to some folks - with a magnifying glass these little "weeds" surprise any who take the time to look.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring has Sprung

What glorious weather yesterday and today (Sunday 3/7/10) Iwent to a spot where I kew I would see snow drops - yes blomming by the dozens. The surprise wasw when I came home and found corn speedwell blooming in my yard - thank God I don't use chem-lawn like the neighbors.