Monday, September 23, 2013

WHO'S YOUR DADDY (LONGLEGS) (this blog was prepared for use as a presentation at the Creation Appreciation nature center)

I found this drawing on the web (no pun intended)  On the left is a crane fly, in the middle is a cellar spider and on the right is a harvestman.  All of these are sometimes referred to as "Daddy Log Legs"

The harvestmen are not spiders, and not insects.  Harvestmen have only 2 eyes, most spiders have 8,  Harvestmen to not make webs or silk or any kind.

The proper name for harvestmen is Opiliones 


Just got back from my camp in the woods and thought I would post some more pics from there and 2 from Root's - captions to follow when I have time.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Living in a tent in the middle of the Tuscarora forest is my idea of fun.  Seeing and hearing the creatures and plants is so envigerating - it is literally a spiritual experience.  Here are a few of the interesting things I am seeing.

with a body less than 1/4 in long - this spider looked like a little ugly brown spot to the naked eye - but with a macro lens his true colors are revealed - I have yet to id him.

This female Ruby-throated Humming Bird visited our feeder daily.
Do you know why Humming Birds hum?
Because they do not remember the words to the song.

The most beautiful spider I have seen.  The Marbled Orb Weaver    (Araneus  marmoreus)
His body is about 3/4 inch long.

"Daddy Long Legs" is his common name - he is not a spider but a
relative of the sider know as a harvestman.

another harvestman with different patterns - notice the (red) mite parasites

Come by to visit at my camp in Fowler's Hollow State Park in Perry County.  I am usually there Wednesday PM to Monday PM every week.  I come home to be at the nature center on Tuesdays.  Call home 684-2849 to make certain I will be at camp.  Florence is at home recovering from her foot surgury