Friday, April 19, 2013


Every Tuesday hundreds of visitors come by our little 10 x 10 Nature center at Root's Country Market near Manheim, PA.  To each child who visits we offer a Creator Card.  These cards are nature pics that are collectible like sports cards etc.  They are standard collectible card size and therefor fit in the same pages and holders as baseball cards and others.  We are distributing nearly 125 cards a week and estimate that about 60 children are collecting them regularly.  Each card is a reminder that we should remember our Creator while learning about and enjoying His creation.

We change our display wall about every 4 to 5 weeks.  Our displays have featured wildflowers, birds, trees, the monarch butterfly life cycle, the cecropia moth life cycle, insects from all over the world and more.  Recently we are displaying a small part of the large collection of insects that have been given to us by Klaus Neuwald.

Our display at Root's will change this week.  The name of the display is "THE 17 YEAR CICADA ARE COMING"   Come and visit 9 am to 9 pm every Tuesday.

Klas Neuwald and Don Billett with a small part of the insect collection Klaus donated.

Jess is one of our regular visitors.  Here she is looking to see what we have in the discovery box this week,  We try to have something new every week.  It seems that both youth and adults love to see what we have.  LEARNING IS FUN.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


I have visited Shenk's ferry twice in the last week and it is beautiful as always - here are some wildflower pics to enjoy -  we are organizing a wild flower walk for 12 noon on Wed the 17TH any one can join us there or call us at 684-2849 to share a ride.   Two words for all of you  --
Confederate violer (local name)

VA bue bells

blood root

Gill or the Ground (Ground Ivy)

Dutchmen's Breaches

Wild Ginger

Miter Wort (Bishop's Cap)

Spring Beauty

Cut Leaf
Tooth Wort