Saturday, August 18, 2012


I AM AS HAPPY AS A PIG IN THE MUD.  I am so blessed.  Only heaven could be better than this and that is because Jesus is there in a way we can only dream about here.

What am I happy about? - lots of things - a good wife, reasonable health, friends, and a purpose for living are only the beginning of the list.  Today I am rejoicing about my butterfly bushes.  Their unique aroma takes me back to the happy side of my childhood where at my grandma and grandpa's place there were huge butterfly bushes covered in what else? - butterflies!

Today there are no less than 5 species here in the bright sunlight. (in my own little lawn) I am posting some pics below.

Variegated Fritillary


Black Swallowtail - male

Monarch - female

Tiger Swallowtail - female

And last but not least my sister found a 5 lined skink in a trash can at our cousins cabin on Sunday - he made an interesting exhibit for roots last Tuesday - look at those long fingers with claws on the end.  I took him to show John Conley's children and he escaped - we got him back (minus some tail) but our running around after him was a "three ring circus":)

Why don't you stop by our nature center at Root's sometime soon - we try to have something interesting there every week.  I am there almost every Tuesday from 8am to 9pm - you can call ahead to make certain we are there - 684-2849 (home)

PS - thanks to my Friend Jim Smith who pointed out a "learning experience" (sounds much better than mistake)  I changed the id on the fritillary from a Meadow to a Variegated.   Thank you Jim - keep up the good work  dub 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


We just ended a very busy July - one that I could have never done myself - volunteers are so important to bringing my ideas and inspiration to reality.  If I were to try to list them here I fear I might miss some so each one please know how thankful I am for your help.

Our third annual nature club was a success with an average of 50 attending and an all time high of 72 (adults and children) attending one session.  I just heard a report from a grandmother who said her grandchildren have been playing nature club on their own at home.  great!!!!

Find some pics of the kids in our butterfly house durring week two below.

We also did programs for Mount Joy Mennonite Church,  Ephrata Bible Church,  and 2 for Camp YoliJwa.  We also had an exhibit at the Ned Smith Center Festival.

Please keep us in your prayers.