Monday, August 8, 2011


 Our second annual nature club ended with a fun session last Thursday Aug 6.  We had a guest speaker sharing about butterflies.  Retired Millersville University biology professor Ken Miller shared his latest slides on the complete life cycle of the Tiger Swallowtail.  He also shared pictures of butterfly eggs taken with a very powerful microscope camera.  To see the beauty and detail of our creators work was breath taking.  It is wonderful to live at a time where technology reveals things unseen by generations past.  Pity, that many who live in this age refuse to see God's fingerprints - "open our eyes, Lord, we want to see JESUS."

Milkweed bug that I found today 8/8/11

Don and Florence Billett at the nature club under the trees at Stricker's pond

more nature club fun

we had an average of 45 children and 10 adults at each of the 4 meetings

We met under the shade trees next to the pond for 2 sessions and in the "upper room" for the others

Thank you to all who came and especially to the Strickler family for the use of there wonderful facilities
(Brian, Christina, Eva, and  Daren Forry with Don and Birdy - photo by Rachel Forry)

Little Eva Forry missed the last two weeks of nature club due to an accident so we went to visit her today 8/8/11.  We did not want her to miss an opportunity to meet "Birdy" (on my shoulder)  On the last day of nature club the children were treated to orange cream popsicles.  Of course I had one myself.  The children enjoyed watching birdy and I share one.  Birdy was patient while I got a bite but allowed me only one before she got her's.  A big thank you to a nice family from Dover PA for the gift of Birdy - she is certainly one of God's beautiful creations.