Thursday, December 30, 2010


The 2011 PA Farm Show will be held January 8th thru 15th.  Stop by to visit at the Family Living center - east side of the main hall near the McClay Street entrance.

This is my 7th year as a speaker and exhibitor and it is always a wonderful opportunity, but a tiring one - ten 12 hour days (including set up)  in a row is not easy for this old man.   This year I will be getting more rest because I am "camping" in the Creation Van rather than commuting from home. The Farm Show camping facilities include electric hook up so I will have heat, hot water for bathing, my fridge and a hotplate for meals. (Farm show food is always good but also expensive, so I am planning to cook my breakfast and supper in the van.)

Pray for me that I have strength, make good contacts, and say "the right thing at the right time".  Pray that our investment in the postcard handout proves worthwhile. (that folks save them and respond)  If you think of me say a special prayer for me at 2pm on the 13th and 14th as I will be speaking at the Family Living center stage.

In addition to the photography my conversation starter this year revolves around the pocket watch pictured above. It was running and keeping good time when I dismantled in and put all the pieces in a clear plastic container. (not an original idea - I borrowed it from somewhere??) How many times will we have to shake the jar until the pieces "fall together" and it starts running again?   I know that the theory of evolution is much more complicated than this simple illustration but it does make a point and starts some interesting discussions.

For a "hand out" we will be using the butterfly postcard I designed and emailed to most of you on December 11.  I am including the front and back images of that card below.  My hope is that a "pretty" picture post card will be less likely to be trashed than the other things folks pick up at the show.

Front of card (click on it for complete image)

back of card  (click on it for larger size)